#Check local device for issues

#Check current status

  1. Find the local network IP address of the device
  2. SSH to the local IP of the device using the super admin credentials or device access credentials you set on the controller
  3. Once connected, issue this command
  1. Check the status message. Normally the status of a managed device should be "Connected (http://example.cloudunifi.com:8080/inform)"

#Check the local logs

  1. Find the local network IP address of the device
  2. SSH to the local IP of the device using the super admin credential or device access credentials you set on the controller
  3. Once connected, issue this command to see the last 10 log entries
tail /var/log/messages
  1. Check for errors or warnings in the log output
  2. You can also issue this command for real-time additions to the log
tail /var/log/messages -f

#Understanding Log Errors and suggested solutions

  1. Server Reject (http://example.cloudunifi.com:8080/inform) - This error indicates a mismatch between the AP and controller security for that device. This issue is generally caused for one of two reasons.

    • Reason: The device is in the default state, but the controller is expecting it to be in an adopted state.

    • Solution: You will need to forget the device on the controller (Forget feature is located in the device settings tab). Restart the inform/adoption process from the device.

    • Reason: The device is in the adopted state, but the controller is expecting it in the default state.

    • Solution: Reset the device to factory defaults. Restart the inform/adoption process from the device.

  1. initial contact failed #1, url=http://example.cloudunifi.com:8080/inform - This error indicates the device is unable to reach the controller.

    • Reason: The protocol, port or DNS name is incorrect.
    • Solution: Make sure you are using "http" for the protocol, port "8080" and that the hostname is correct. You also may need to check that a firewall, proxy or ISP is not blocking port 8080 traffic outbound from your local network.

  1. Unable to resolve (http://example-domain.ui.com:8080/inform) - This error indicates a controller configuration issue related to the hostname value.

    • Reason: You may have default hostname URL on your controller with hostname override enabled.
    • Solution: Check the "Network application Hostname/IP" is using the correct hostname value? You can find this using the Legacy UI under Settings > Network Application. Also check to ensure "Override inform host with the Network application hostname/IP." is disabled.