# Adopting UniFi Devices

This article will guide you through the process of adopting your Unifi devices such as Access Points, Switches and USG to your new Cloud Unifi hosted controller. Note: UXG-Pro and Flex Mini Unifi devices have different adoption instructions.


If you can SSH into the device, it's possible to do L3 adoption via CLI command:

  1. Make sure the device is running fairly recent firmware.

  2. Make sure the device is in the factory default state. If it's not, you run the following command or complete a physical factory reset of the device:

sudo syswrapper.sh restore-default
  1. SSH into the device and type the following and hit enter, substituting "example.cloudunifi.com" with the domain name of your hosted UniFi Network Controller:
set-inform http://example.cloudunifi.com:8080/inform
  1. After issuing the set-inform, the UniFi device will show up for adoption in the Devices section of the controller. Once you click Adopt, the device will appear to go offline or have the status of "Adopting" then proceed to "Provisioning" and "Connected".

# Mobile App

  1. After installing the UniFi Mobile App (Available in iOS App Store & Android PlayStore), launch the app.
  1. Select your Controller from the list, or tap the "Add Controller" to log in and add your controller.

iOS Add Controller
iOS Add Controller

Android Add Controller
Android Add Controller

  1. For iOS: Once logged in to the Controller, tap More. There will be a Layer 3 Adoption option under Utilities. For Android: Once logged in to the Controller, tap More, then click on Remote Adoption from the menu.

iOS More
iOS More

Android More
Android More

  1. Devices will be displayed on this screen. Tap on the device that is to be adopted and select Adopt.

iOS Adopt
iOS Adopt

Android Adopt
Android Adopt

  1. After a few seconds (15-30 seconds, times will vary) the device will appear under the Devices section, which will be accessible by clicking on the Devices icon on the bottom menu bar.

# Chrome Web Browser Discovery Tool

After installing the Discovery tool plugin (freely available in Chrome Web Store) on a computer running Chrome browser, any locally-available, unmanaged UniFi Devices (i.e.,same Layer 2 network as your computer) will appear as "Pending Adoption" in the Devices section.

  1. Open the tool and click "Scan" to find devices. (Click "UniFi Family" to switch to the UniFi device view)

  2. Choose the device you would like to adopt to your controller and click the "Action" button. Select "Set Inform" action, add your inform URL "http://example.cloudunifi.com:8080/inform", username and password should both be "ubnt". Click "Execute"

  3. Open your hosted UniFi Network Controller, go to the Devices section of your chosen site, find the device that is to be adopted with the status "Pending Adoption" and click Adopt under Actions.

  4. The device status will change from "Pending" to "Adopting" to "Provisioning", then finally to "Connected". At this point the device will have received it's configuration from the controller and be active.